🏧Your First Deposit

Let's Make Your First Deposit

Now that you have a DeFi wallet, added the BSC network, and transferred the BUSD BEP20 token, and the BNB BEP20 token you are all set to go for your first deposit.

1. Make sure your MetaMask wallet is on the Smart Chain network before clicking on the Connect button of the app.

2. Now you can go back to the website https://royalbusd.com/ and click on the Connect button at the top right corner of the Dapp.

3. It will now prompt you which wallet you would like to connect if you have multiple wallets. Select the wallet you want to connect and click next. It will now prompt you to the next MetaMask window and you need to click on the Connect button to connect.

4. Once you click on the Connect button nothing might happen. You could refresh the page if it doesn't connect and it will then show you that you are connected. Once you are connected the Dapp will generate your Referral Link if you would like to share it for additional rewards. Now you can make a deposit.

5. Enter the amount you want to deposit and then click on the Approve button first. MetaMask will prompt you to give it permission for the transaction. At this point, this approval will charge you about 0.10 cents worth of BNB for the approval.

Click on the Confirm button on your MetaMask to approve and continue. Once you confirm it might take between 5 to 15 seconds for it to process. Once its processed you can now click on the stake button to stake. MetaMask will prompt you once again with a new window to actually make the deposit. Click on the confirm button and you will be done!

6. To view your stake you can click on "Current Stakes & Yield" to view your stake dashboard with all the information on all your stakes.

Last updated